
Food for thought

Here’s food for thought, for you… Did you know, that eating oily fish is good for you? Yes, of course you did! But, did you know that eating oily fish just once a week can lower your risk of Alzheimer’s by up to 60%? Bet you didn’t know that! Well, [...]

General, Learning

When is an exam deadline, not a deadline?

When it’s a Financial Services Exam! Talk about side-stepping! Having been told, ‘pass your exams by the end of 2012 or lose your jobs’ out of the total of 117 451 representatives in the country, 80 278 still need to pass the exam according to ‘The Citizen’. Apparently there’s a [...]

Studying Techniques

Biggest revision mistakes – Not using Genius Material

People who pass Project Management exams, financial exams and other professional exams have a revision strategy that works for them. And that’s it! That’s all there is to it. If you want to pass exams and currently you are struggling to do so, then it’s simply an indication that your [...]